Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I need YOUR help!

Hello readers!!

I would love to do something new on JOJ...but in order to do it, I need your help! :)

I'd like to interview different Christian young ladies + older women, asking them questions and formulating them into different posts for this blog! 

Here's where you come in - what are some questions you've wanted to ask a godly woman, younger or older? would it be about life, the future, the past, God, the Bible, relationships...what would you ask? :) Please post YOUR questions (any and all!) in the comments below, and I will use some of them in my interviews! 

Thank you so much! Looking forward to what you come up with. :)

{ Rachel }


  1. This is an awesome idea, Rachel!! :)

    - What is the most encouraging thing that has ever been said to you?
    - What do you look forward to the most in your day?
    - For unmarried ladies, what are you looking for in a future husband?
    - For married ladies, what is your advice for single ladies?
    - What is your most embarrassing moment?
    - Who is your favourite Bible character, and why?
    - What is your first reaction to an unpleasant situation?
    - If you could change anything about yourself, what it be and why?

  2. How do respond to people who speak against your beliefs/convictions?

    For marrier ladies, how did you pray for your future husband?

    What is your fondest memory as a single young lady?

  3. How can I fight feelings of inadequacy and discouragement?

  4. What a great idea Rachel. I'm doing something similar on my blog right now as well.
    Here's some questions I'd like to ask.

    What is one step you took towards devolving a habit of spiritual growth?

    Could you share about any tips you might have for time management?

    What is the best thing you think a young lady can do with her time?

    How have you used your single years for God's glory?

  5. My big questions would be: "How did you fight laziness?" and "What kinds of things did you do to help keep from wasting your time?"

  6. Thanks for all the great questions, girls! :) Keep them coming!!

  7. How do you know what God's will is for your life? Like where he wants you to go to college?
    Also, can you give any advice on how to answer softly when your siblings are mean to you, and what age do you think young ladies should start thinking about marriage?

  8. How to deal with feelings of discouragement.

  9. Did you pray for you future husband? If so how?
    What would you recommend a young lady do with her time after she graduates highschool?

  10. What is your salvation testimony?
    What is your favorite Bible verse?
    What is your favorite book of the Bible?
    What is your favorite Bible story (other than Jesus) Like Noah's Ark, David & Goliath, Daniel and the Lions, etc.


Hello! Thank you for taking time to comment. Your input is always appreciated! (Please remember that we reserve the right to remove your comment if we deem it unacceptable.)

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”Colossians 3:17 (NIV)