Saturday, September 12, 2015

Interview :: Mrs. Heather C

Remember this post a couple months ago? Today, we have our first interview to share with you! A huge thanks to my dear mother for joining us for this interview. :) 


JOJ (Rachel): Thank you for joining us today, Mom! :) Can you please share a bit about yourself to our readers?

Mrs. C: I am the very happy wife to my dear husband. We have been married almost 20 years. God has been very good to us and has entrusted us with 8 children. I am passionate about making our house a home of rest, creating an environment full of creativity, joy and a home where God is sought, taught, and glorified.

Rachel: Thank you! :) Now, on to address some questions our readers have submitted. What is the most encouraging thing that has ever been said to you?

Mrs. C: Probably when you said I was your best friend ~ it is the desire of every mother to have her daughter's (and children's) heart.

Rachel:  Could you share any tips you might have for time management?

Mrs. C: Conquer the procrastination monster. Say NO to being away from home for everything. Get rid of excess! Minimize and you will be so surprised how much smoother and easier it is to live a fully and truly happy life. You will enjoy cleaning! :) Also, go to bed before 10:30 pm. Stay off the computer. An orderly life is priority ~ NOT the computer. That is only after our tasks and responsibility are done well.

Rachel: What is the best thing you think a young lady can do with her time?

Mrs. C: Here are two things: Seek Jesus and HIS will for your life. Serve your family and church families...Ask mother how she needs you to help the most.

Rachel: Thank you so much for joining us today! Do you have any closing exhortation to share with us young ladies?

Mrs. C: True contentment is great gain. Live the life God has given you and desire to be content. If you are discontent with parents, family, and direction your life is headed, Seek Jesus like you never have before. Everything will fall into place. Grace, Peace, and Joy to you!

Mommy, sister, and I :)

Stay tuned ~ We hope to have an interview with a sweet young lady out before too many months! ;)


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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”Colossians 3:17 (NIV)